Keys Bottom Banging
With the largest living reef in its backyard, the Florida Keys has some of the best grouper habitat and fishing in the world. Even with...

Cobia on fly
As a sportsman that has had a spinning rod in my hands for most of my fishing life, I was indeed a bit taken back when my middle son...

Chapter 12 "Going Home"
Dolphin, the air breathing mammal and not the pelagic offshore fish. There is a huge difference between these two like-named creatures....
Chapter 11 "The Bust"
After a day of lounging and feeding the in lush grass Stoney was wired as usual and Super Snook took a super nap and was resting in a...
Chapter 10 "Searching For Ocho"
Off they went out deeper to the limestone areas that were filled with pitted holes and crevices. A real place to hang out if you’re a...
Chapter 9 "Stuck"
Super Snook swam at a steady pace. He and his pal Stoney were rested after an easy night near St. Simon’s Island, Georgia. The “Ole Lady”...
Chapter 8 "Meet and Greet"
Super Snook and Stoney have been traveling all day, moving ever southward. This water is just too cold to be a comfortable environment....
Chapter 7 "The Journey South"
Super Snook is tired, real tired. He has been on the move most of the afternoon, and he senses the imminent onset of dark. Driven by a...
Chapter 6 "Headed To The Carolinas"
A slight twitch of his 14-inch tail sped Super Snook along the beach. He traveled the beaches at night using the ambient light from shore...
Chapter 5 "Super Snook and the Amazon Peacock Bass (Pavon)"
Stoney recently found a flier on the bottom of the ocean that promised exotic tropical fishing adventures somewhere in South America, and...