Forward, by Lyle Hamilton
"This is a story about a fish, Super Snook, a real character, that has only been hooked once, and now travels the US and Caribbean waters protecting them from further harm from those who have no regard for laws protecting our environment. As a former teacher, manager at the National Education Association and fisherman this book is a unique way to interest, excite, expose and educate young adults to the importance of conservation, respect for the outdoors, and the rules that preserve it. Through humor and factual evidence the book involves readers in the antics of a wily Super Snook and his cohorts as they venture into travels around oceans and waterways.
Super Snook hates most spear fishermen, bull sharks and marine rule violators. He invents ingenious methods to teach them there are consequences to their actions. The only fisherman to ever hook Super Snook is Joe Suroviec, the talented wildlife artist, fisherman and creator of this book. He beautifully illustrates and writes to entice readers using humor and adventure to create care about preserving the wildlife environment." -Lyle Hamilton, Long-time friend and fishing buddy of J. Suroviec
